Home » Analysis » Hollywood Star Power – Joss Whedon’s “Save the Day” PSA Gets Out the Vote, and Debra Messing’s “Will and Grace” Reunion Makes the Case for Clinton.

Hollywood Star Power – Joss Whedon’s “Save the Day” PSA Gets Out the Vote, and Debra Messing’s “Will and Grace” Reunion Makes the Case for Clinton.

In 2012, Hollywood director and nerd messiah Joss Whedon did a viral video taking down Mitt Romney’s campaign, by archly suggesting that Mr. Romney’s potential election would be more likely than not to bring about the zombie apocalypse, thereby leveling the playing field between the rich and the poor in the flaming aftermath.

As has been reported by Slate, Hollywood Reporter, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and, well, everybody, for the 2016 Presidential election, Mr. Whedon’s “Save the Day” super PAC has assembled great gobs and handfuls of A-list stars including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Martin Sheen, Marc Ruffalo, and many others, to make a simultaneously funny and earnest public service ad, urging everyone — but in particular young and firsttime voters — to register and cast their ballots in the November 2016 election, in response to the, as the video puts it, “racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.”

See: http://savetheday.vote

In a similar vein, Slate reports that Debra Messing and her fellow cast members from the series “Will and Grace,” which ended in 2006, have done an election-focused reunion episode (“#VoteHoney“) to get out the vote. In the video, the blithely horrible narcissistic racist (and frequently hilariousKaren voices her support for Trump, while Will and Grace fall firmly in the Clinton camp, and ultimately they manage to convince predictably undecided Jack to vote for Clinton as well.

Speaking of the election, don’t forget that in Texas, you must register to vote by no later than Tuesday, October 11, 2016, to be eligible to vote in the November 8, 2016 general election. http://www.votetexas.gov

1 Comment

  1. N. E. Longoria says:

    You’re expecting people who voted for W twice to listen to reason? I wonder if those ads will even air on the FOX network? Of course, I won’t know because I boycott all FOX programming.

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