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Tag Archives: Attorney General

Partial Vindication – Texas Voter I.D. Law Held to Violate Voting Rights Act

Here’s Rick Hasen’s analysis on this breaking story. I find it troubling that the 5th Circuit remanded on the question as to whether the Texas picture I.D. law had a racially discriminatory purpose. Still, it’s at least a nail in the coffin of one of the worst voter suppression laws in the country.

Notice anything strange about these websites?



That’s right – there’s not the slightest mention of the 5th Circuit’s decision. That’s quite a contrast from back when Shelby County v. Holder came out; (within two hours of that decision two years ago, there were notices plastered all over the Secretary of State’s website announcing that the State was doubling down on its special brand of violating voter’s rights and instantly applying the discredited voter ID law).

If a voter relied on the Texas Secretary of State’s website for information, they would think that it was all business as usual; http://www.votetexas.gov informs voters that a “picture I.D. is now required to vote.”

But you say, “Well, Joe, that’s kind of unfair. I mean … there’s all that HTML coding to do, and it’s after business hours, and …”

The decision came out at lunchtime. That’s six hours ago.

After all, the Texas Attorney General had time to put something up on that agency’s website.


What the … ? “Texas Voter ID Law to Remain In Effect”

Oh my god.

That’s embarrassing.

That’s really embarrassing.

I guess the A.G. takes the position that because the 5th Circuit remanded on the issue of intentional discrimination, the fact that the court upheld the trial court determination that the law is freakin’ illegal and unenforceable is somehow sprinkled with magic appellate fairy dust.

Then again, the following disclaimer should be prominently displayed and attached to all press statements made by the Texas Attorney General.

“Please note that the opinions of the Attorney General are those of an individual currently under indictment for three felonies involving acts of intentional fraud. Therefore, proceed with caution.”

Some thoughts on the eve of oral argument in Veasey v. Perry

As you may know, tomorrow (April 28), a three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans will hear oral argument in Veasey v. Perry. Texas has appealed the trial court’s damning conclusion that the State had used its voter I.D. law to enact a deliberately racially discriminatory barrier to voting.

Back in March, as the April 1, 2015 deadline for its reply brief loomed, the State asserted that it would only need 11,500 words to successfully argue that its draconian picture I.D. law wasn’t targeting minorities. After all, it wouldn’t take much paper to say that Texas’ voter I.D. law is more universally and generally horrible than merely racist. It doesn’t just discriminate against protected racial and language minority groups – it also discriminates against elderly voters, student voters, the poor, voters with disabilities, and inconveniences or hinders voting in general for everyone.

And there’s the State’s argument on appeal – which I shall broadly and meanly paraphrase as follows. “This law is so bad, it can’t possibly have been motivated by mere racial animus. We just hate all voters.” (That’s actually the second part of the State’s argument. The first part is, “well … all the people who were disenfranchised should have just voted by mail.” Unfortunately for the State, that’s a terrible argument, in part because it violates equal-rights provisions of the 14th Amendment. In fact, it’s such a self-destructive “shot in the foot” argument that everyone else feels a little sorry for the State’s litigators for being forced to repeat it. I mean … they do know that equating voting by mail with in-person voting is sort-of cringe inducingly bad form in civil rights litigation, right?)

Embarrassingly, the powers-that-be at the Texas Solicitor-General’s office dawdled a bit over the crafting of their succinct brief, and accidentally filed it a few minutes after midnight on April 2nd. These things happen, and nobody (other than me) felt particularly inclined to capitalize on the minor technical error in order to gently ridicule the already hapless appellant.

Ha ha.

On a more serious note, people interested in same-day coverage of tomorrow’s oral argument should contact Erik Opsal at the Brennan Center.

Erik Opsal
Communications Manager

Finally, for a nice perspective on why the international reputation of the United States currently hangs in the balance over voting rights, here’s a nice paper by Patricia Broussard, published as part of a recent symposium on the Voting Rights Act conducted by the Journal of Race, Gender and Ethnicity. “Eviscerating the Voting Rights Act and Moral Authority: Freedom to Discriminate Comes With a Price” (Journal of Race, Gender and Ethnicity, Volume 7, No. 1, Fall 2015)

What Does Holder’s Resignation Portend for Voting Rights Advocates?

As you know, it’s been widely reported in the national press that after six years as President Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder is stepping down. There are all sorts of messages that one can read in the tea leaves here – to the extent that Holder has been an effective A.G., he’s also been a favorite target of criticism from the far right, and it’s possible that as the midterm elections loom, President Obama is trying to neutralize some of that criticism.

The Department of Justice is a huge agency, and I’m sure that anyone working there would agree that it’s not a perfect place – certainly the criminal investigation and criminal prosecution arms of the Department have had their ups and downs over the past half-decade.

Similarly, I’m sure that the rank-and-file employees of the Voting Rights Section could, in moments of candor, express dissatisfaction with one or another aspect of the Department’s management. But no matter what opinion one may have of Attorney General Holder, and regardless of one’s political affiliations, one must agree that the Department of Justice has responded aggressively and consistently with respect to voting rights litigation after Shelby County v. Holder.

I think that on balance, Attorney General Holder’s resignation presages both a bruising confirmation fight for his successor (as predicted by every major media source), and a hit to the Voting Section’s employees’ morale.

Currently, the trial attorneys working for the Department in high-profile cases like the Texas 2011 redistricting case, the Texas voter I.D. case, the Ohio voter registration case, the Wisconsin voter I.D. case, the North Carolina voter I.D. case, and many other less visible voting rights cases, are doing absolutely stellar courtroom work, in both their filed motions and pleadings, and in the oral advocacy that they are doing.

Even if they aren’t interested in the issues being contested in these suits, law school students would do well to study and emulate the lucidity and organization of the Department of Justice-authored briefs that have been filed in these cases. This is top-notch, major league lawyering by many of the nation’s best civil rights litigators.

Such excellent work is possible in part because of the political and institutional support supplied to the Voting Section by Attorney General Holder. My fear is that the Republicans will now shift their resources away from attempting to defend their frankly indefensible restrictions on voting, and instead will use the Senate confirmation hearings to cripple voting rights advocacy.

For instance, here are a couple of illuminating pull quotes from the USA Today story about the A.G.’s resignation:

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a Holder critic, said Republicans would scrutinize the next nominee to make sure he or she “finally returns to prioritizing law enforcement over partisan concerns.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, urged Obama to take his time. “Rather than rush a nominee through the Senate in a lame-duck session, I hope the president will now take his time to nominate a qualified individual who can start fresh relationships with Congress,” he said.

“Prioritizing law enforcement over partisan concerns” should be read between the lines to mean “abandoning voting rights litigation,” because for decades, Republicans have characterized enforcement of the Voting Rights Act as a purely liberal Democratic Party concern.

And “I hope the president will now take his time to nominate a qualified individual” should be read as meaning, “After the November election, and with an (expected) Republican-led House and Senate, President Obama can kiss goodbye any hope of ever getting Senate confirmation of any nominee he chooses from now until the end of his term.”

My hope is that as Attorney General Holder leaves office, his status as a lame-duck head of the Department of Justice will free him to some extent to end his tenure with bold, fearless policy actions. Like maybe … I don’t know … boldly pushing for the enactment of a proposed Civil Rights Act-based set of administrative rules designed to curb the worst excesses of post-Shelby County restrictions on voting. That’s what I’d suggest.

For those of you using web readers, here are the cited links:





Revisiting Sub Rosa Election Laws: Example Two – Address Confidentiality Voting in Texas

What should a state agency do to limit the damage of poor legislative drafting? Is it overreaching for an agency to “fix” bad law with administrative rules, or is the potential for social harm simply the burden we must bear to preserve a separation of executive and legislative powers? Or does equity sometimes justify a blurring of legislative and executive roles, even to the point of making the law and its implementation completely irreconcilable?

These questions come up in the following context. Under state law, voter registration information is public. That public information includes voter residence addresses. Victims of domestic violence have a limited ability to shield their residence address from public disclosure, but that limited confidentiality doesn’t extend to the public records generated when an election occurs.

Over the years, a number of states have experimented with various mechanisms intended to protect victims of domestic violence from further harm, with mixed results. Unfortunately, the traditional institutions of justice and criminal punishment are impotent to stop patterns of domestic abuse, as we have seen again and again. See, e.g., the sad tale of Dorothy Giunta-Cotter, as related in a recent issue of the New Yorker. Rachel Louise Snyder, Annals of Prevention, “A Raised Hand,” The New Yorker, July 22, 2013, p. 34

Briefly summarizing the archived New Yorker article, a Massachusetts-based expert on domestic violence named Kelly Dunne was inspired by a particularly awful (and obviously preventable) domestic violence tragedy to do a comprehensive statistical study of domestic murder, seeking both to (1) identify the observable, predictable behavioral patterns that led to murder, and (2) engineer effective legal responses to those high-risk cases of domestic violence that would otherwise likely end in murder. In the short term, more aggressive and longer-term preventative incarceration of abusers cuts down on the death rate.

Ms. Dunne’s findings and recommendations have stirred some controversy, in part because those recommendations might shift limited resources away from notoriously underfunded family shelters, and in part because the most important recommendation (imposing long pre-trial protective incarcerations) is deeply contrary to our traditional presumption of innocence and the rights associated with due process in criminal cases. There are shades of totalitarian horror in the decidedly Philip K. Dickian idea that a series of statistical models could send people to prison without trial, and before those people were even aware of their own criminal tendencies.

Whether the more traditional approach to domestic violence is broken or not, it can be very crudely characterized as the “run and hide” approach. In the “run and hide” model, an abuser oversteps by engaging in obvious or public violence that results in visible injury, compelling a social response in which the victim is more-or-less compelled to give up the comforts and protections of home in order to escape to a shelter. The abuser posts bail and a trial date is set, a protective order is entered, and eventually the abuser is sentenced to a probation that involves some domestic violence counseling. Notice that the victim is the accommodating party in the “run and hide” model, one of the most damning elements of that approach, and one reason why that approach works so poorly.

Address confidentiality programs (pioneered in the Pacific Northwest and California) grew out of the “run and hide” model, and are designed to allow high-risk victims to stay better hidden from their potential killers. The programs allow a select class of domestic violence victims to “erase” their residence addresses from various public records to a greater or lesser degree, so that their killers will hopefully have a harder time finding them.

Advocacy groups fought for over a decade to get the Texas Legislature to enact some sort of address confidentiality program, and finally succeeded in 2007. The program allows victims of domestic violence to use the Office of the Attorney General as a mail-forwarding service, so as to limit public availability of the victims’ residence addresses.

Relatively few people participate in the address confidentiality program, in part because the program has so many unattractive features. The program is only available to people who are willing to disappear and have no ongoing contact with their abusers, register through a domestic violence shelter or counseling service, foreswear ever again getting anything other than first-class domestic mail (the A.G. throws all the other forwarded mail away, for space-saving reasons), and so on. The victim gets some limited accommodation of day-to-day life by being allowed to get a drivers license and voter registration, nominally without revealing a residence address.

In other states, the participants in the address confidentiality program can register to vote and cast ballots without having to confirm a specific residence address – they don’t have to void the security provided by not having an official residence address on public records. Unfortunately, the Address Confidentiality Program enacted in Texas was not seamlessly integrated into state election law. This may have happened partly because the Texas Election Code is itself so badly organized that a few things were bound to go missing.

Sections 4 through 9 of the 2007 law provide that participants in an address confidentiality program must register to vote in person using their state-supplied forwarding address, and that those voters will be included on the official lists of registered voters, but listed with their generic addresses instead of their actual residence addresses. Those voters will then vote by mail, receiving their ballots through the generic mailing address.

Except …

the state law neglected to alter the requirement that applicants for ballots by mail must provide their residence address – so that the voter registrar can figure out which ballot those voters are supposed to get.

Our physical residence is more-or-less indivisible from our right to vote. Our applications for ballots by mail, our signature rosters, our affidavits and provisional ballot envelopes and requests and statements and every piece of paper we generate or mark on when we vote is available for public inspection. Every single voter is asked, “Do you still reside at … [your residence address]?” when voting. Any supposed protections earned by not having one’s address on the voter registration list melt away when one must reveal that address in a dozen other formats in order to actually vote. Add to that the purely practical issue that because the A.G. is slow to process re-delivered mail, if the participants in the program actually did attempt to vote by mail, they wouldn’t actually get their ballots in time to mail them back before the election closed.

Advocacy groups came to the Elections Division at the Texas Secretary of State to express their concerns about the law as written, and asked that the Secretary of State exercise the authority granted by S.B. 74 to adopt administrative rules that would “fix” the glaring gaps in security for voter-participants in the Address Confidentiality Program. And this is what we came up with.

Notice the gap between the law and the rule. Under the rule, participants in the Address Confidentiality Program aren’t allowed to register to vote in the usual way. Instead, they must go through an in-person voting process wherein they orally identify which voting precinct they live in, and then vote as if they were voting by mail. Their ballots are mixed in with other ballots cast by mail, and their status as Address Confidentiality Program participants is clouded, so that their votes won’t stand out.

So if one merely read the law, one would assume that participants in the Address Confidentiality Program register to vote and then simply vote by mail. The actual process is almost completely different, to the point that if anyone challenged our rules-based implementation in court, the rule would likely be thrown out as exceeding the statutory scope of our rulemaking authority.

I generally disapprove of election laws that create disparate classes of voters who experience the election through different levels of bureaucratic procedure. But I drafted Rule 81.38 as I did so as to afford victims of domestic violence at least a little real security in voting.